What You Need For Your Second Baby

The funny commercials about first-time versus second-time moms are true, right? Here you sit, pregnant with your second baby, and you are realizing that you really didn’t need all.that.stuff the first time around. This time, perhaps, you’d like to shop smarter, reuse what you have, and invest in lasting items you’ll actually enjoy.
Shopping smart includes purchasing from small businesses whenever possible and paying attention to the quality of the items that you will be spending money on. Look for products that fit your style and will last for the third baby that you may or may not yet have plans for!
What You Need For Your Second Baby
Chances are, you already have several blankets, multiple baby ‘toys,’ a play mat, a swing, and a bouncer that are perfect to use again! However, there is no shame in selling and starting fresh if you want to. The following are things you will 100% want to add to your wishlist for Baby #2:
A Baby Carrier
You will want your arms free while holding your baby and ready to catch that climbing toddler you are also chasing around. Invest in a well-designed carrier to take the weight off of your shoulders and back.
A Double Stroller
You’ll be killing time walking the block, the local trails, playgrounds, and anywhere else you can get a change of scenery after this baby arrives. You want to make sure the stroller fits easily in your car, can pack up simply, and can handle sidewalks, trails, and a jog.
A New Diaper Bag
This isn’t a need if your old one is a favorite, but when packing up for two little ones, you may need a larger bag. Consider a backpack version to throw on and go!
A Multi-Camera Monitor
Naptime is a lot more relaxing for you if you can glance at a monitor and know your baby is comfortable and asleep. Being able to see your toddler at the same time is also a must.
A Lovie or Special Item
Every new baby should get a lovie of some kind! It can be a blanket or a cuddly keepsake that will be loved for years. (Recording the baby’s heartbeat into a Heartbeat Animal is one way to promote a strong sibling bond, capture this beautiful time, and have a soft, snuggly lovie to keep forever.)
A White Noise Machine
There will be significantly more noise happening in your house versus when Baby #1 was born. Most babies can sleep right through it all, but keep that white noise machine on just to make sure.
Milkies Milk Savers
Breastmilk is liquid gold, and you know that every drop counts. These great milk-catchers prevent milk-stained shirts and are easy to wear. They have been labeled the “Must Have Item” of new moms.
Minimal Clothing
The last thing you want to do is more laundry. You’ve learned that less is more - especially when it comes to expensive clothes that Baby #2 will outgrow faster than you can ever imagine.
Minimal Furniture (if any)
Reuse anything you can, and make sure you have some closet space and a dresser for this baby. You may want to transition your toddler to a bed to avoid the price tag of another crib, too.
You will be spending hours sitting and feeding your newest baby, spend that time reading with your toddler.
A Large Water Bottle For Yourself
Hydration will help with your energy level and milk supply, so drink up, Mama!