Spring Cleaning Safely While Pregnant

It’s time to open the windows and air out your house. Spring is finally here, and after that long winter, it’s no wonder so many people are feeling the energy to scrub down everything and start fresh this season.
Typically, spring cleaning includes a ceiling to floor (and under beds, behind the refrigerator, and washing of curtains) kind of cleaning. Not many families can afford to hire professionals, nor do most professionals clean exactly as you would like it done! That means that you’ll be beating out your own rugs in the next few weeks.
But what if you are pregnant?
Pregnancy is not an illness, and you can continue your cleaning plan for the most part. Depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, you may not be able to reach things like the pre-baby-belly version of yourself. There are also several other things to take into consideration before you spend a day on your hands and knees polishing baseboards.
Pregnancy Cleaning Safety
Keep in mind the type of cleaning products you want to use after your baby is born. Think about safety, smells, and where you are storing them. Now is a good time to transition over to a new way of cleaning.
Consumer Reports recently issued a warning about using disinfecting wipes because many contain chemicals that are registered pesticides. It's important to research a product before using it to clean.
Read Labels
Say no to poisons and anything toxic. While technically ‘safe,’ research found that toxic fumes can irritate your nose, throat, eyes, and lungs.
According to What to Expect, “Household cleaning items like spot removers, floor waxes and polishes commonly contain chemicals called "VOCs," or types of indoor air pollutants. If you see the words “toxic,” “danger,” “poison,” or “corrosive” on the label of any housecleaning product — and you’re most likely to on oven, drain, rug, and toilet-bowl cleaners — skip it, even if you used it with no problem before you became pregnant.”
(Cleaning Tip: Use hydrogen peroxide instead of bleach. Soak clothes in one part hydrogen peroxide to eight parts water to remove stains and make whites whiter.)
Even glass cleaners can have potential side effects. Read your labels and skip the toxic cleaners. Opt for a natural version or DIY in a spray bottle of your own. If you want your house to smell wonderful, add a few drops of safe essential oils into your cleaning bottle, too.
Wear Gloves and Open Windows
You need a layer of protection between yourself and the cleaning products, even if you are using something natural. Your skin is your largest organ and soaks up anything you put on it.
Keeping your windows open is essentially like providing a natural escape for any smells, and it offers sunlight and fresh air to help you clean.
Watch Your Balance and Your Back
Your center of gravity shifts while pregnant, and your sense of balance may be skewed. Skip climbing on ladders to reach fans or other high items. Don’t try to move furniture around, either, as you are more susceptible to injury right now. Even carrying an overflowing laundry basket can seem like a gigantic task at some point in your pregnancy.
Take Breaks
Stay hydrated and listen to your body throughout your cleaning process. Put your feet up and rest to avoid swelling, headaches, or body aches.