Adding a Boutique to Your Office

Moms want open communication, honest feedback, and current information when they come in for their appointment. They want to receive all of this while also feeling comfortable and supported throughout their entire pregnancy.
It has become your job to provide these things and grant your patients the opportunity to create memories within your practice. These moments are what solidify your business; they equate to the most important marketing you will ever receive: word of mouth and social media recommendations.
How can you give more time to each family you see while still making the income you need and expect? The answer is not only simple, but it also compliments both sides of your challenge: an in-house boutique.
Adding a Boutique to Your Practice
Carve out space in your waiting area; it doesn’t have to be a large place, and you can utilize the wall height to display keepsake items.
Offering your patients a selection of products from My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear to record their baby’s heartbeat into, to frame their ultrasound photo, or even announce their baby's gender means they will leave with a more personalized experience – and help boost your bottom line in more than one way.
Their keepsake purchases increase your revenue but will also be shared within social media parenting groups, with family and friends, and at baby showers throughout the community. Combining these with a wonderful appointment experience means your practice gets free marketing and continued business.
Recording a heartbeat takes only 20 seconds and will last a lifetime within our heartbeat recorders. It can be stored in our app and rercorded if families choose to capture other memories within their Heartbeat Animal!
You can expand your boutique to offer gender reveal products, frames, magnets, cards, even seasonal accessories for your Heartbeat Animals. You can easily keep a few Heartbeat Animals in the room within arm’s reach for a quick sale and easy conversation topic.
Offer catalogue shopping, too.
If your space isn’t as large as you would like and you cannot display as much as you want to, leave our catalogue out (or send it through email) for patients to peruse. They can shop from their phone while waiting to hear their baby’s heartbeat with you.
It may feel a bit daunting to think about opening a boutique within your practice, but it is simple and offers an instant return on investment. Your patients will feel like they are receiving more personalized services, and you can take a breath and know you are strengthening your business.