How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy Throughout the Holidays

Are you already munching on the Halloween candy?
Even though you know it’s not helping your pregnancy weight, it can be quite hard to drop the sweets right now. With all of the comfort foods, baked goods, and leftovers that will soon be filling the refrigerator and countertops, it’s time to get a good grip on your pregnancy diet. But, other than your diet, you also need to take into account your stress levels during the holiday season, as they also play a major role in keeping your pregnancy healthy.
While the holidays are full of family and fun, they tend to also bring with them very unhealthy environments for many expecting mothers. You may be planning to travel or have family travel to you, filling your personal space. You may be in charge of cooking, or you may be at the mercy of what is placed before you. Every option is serve with a side of stress and a few extra desserts!

Keeping Your Pregnancy Healthy During the Holidays
The countdown to holiday festivities is approaching, menus are the topic of conversations, gift lists are being created, and travel plans are about finalized. If you happen to be pregnant during this season, you have one big thing on your mind: Stay Healthy. To do this, you need to focus on the following two things.
Drop the Junk
Overeating while pregnant can cause a slew of ailments from sore joints, excessive weight gain, heartburn, and extreme fatigue. Overindulging on unhealthy items increases your risk for gestational diabetes and preterm labor. What you are consuming 100% effects your pregnancy and baby. While an occasional treat is just fine, keeping an eye on what you plan to put in your mouth is extremely important.
Instead of ‘eating for two’ or ‘giving in’ to cravings, keep yourself satisfied by portioning your meals, eating often, and drinking a ton of water. If you will be out of town or eating elsewhere, make sure that your dietary needs are considered in the menu. You can also plan to bring at least 1-2 items for the table that you know are healthy and will enjoy.
Eliminate the Stress
Stress is one of the highest risk factors for pregnancy. If a holiday event makes you feel uneasy, you have every right to skip it. If anyone makes you feel guilty, it is on them - not you. You have approximately 40 weeks to grow this baby, you have the right to make the best choices for your sanity.
Always have an escape if you do attend a gathering! (That should be rule #1.)
Remember that you only need to do what you want to do. You do not and should not be expected to do it all. Ask for help from others. Order food in. Go for a walk. Take a nap. Enjoy your holidays in every way that you want to, but limit those treats!