Baby’s First Autumn: Craft Ideas

Isn’t it funny how your house decor shifts after having a baby? You go from high-end wants to family pictures and baby knick-knacks everywhere. It’s a beautiful transition to embrace because the reality is that it will only last so long before your baby has grown past the arts and crafts stage of childhood.
It’s also fun to celebrate your baby’s first everything! It’s even more fun when you can include those milestones with your seasonal decor and revisit it year after year. If your baby is celebrating his or her first fall season, go ahead and pick a great craft that you will want to pull out (and cry over) every year from now until forever!
We’ve collected some of the sweetest fall crafts that you can easily recreate at home. No matter your style, one of these will fit in just perfectly.
Craft Ideas for Baby’s First Fall Season
Painted Handprints and/or Footprints
Lavender and Laundry has the most precious way to celebrate your baby’s first Halloween craft! By painting a small piece of wood white first, you’ll brush black across a large portion. When your baby is feeling happy, try brushing white paint on his feet and quickly pressing one at a time on the board. You’ll add the left b in the perfect place once the footprints are done.
The Keeper of the Cheerios collected dozens of creative things to turn your baby’s prints into. Corn stalks, witches, candy corn, turkeys, spiders, etc.
Little Page Turners wrote about a simple wedding keepsake idea that can be done instead with your baby (and the rest of the family). On a canvas, paint a simple tree with branches. Designate a paint color for each of you, paint a finger and start stamping those prints all over to create the fall leaves. Have some falling leaves, some covering the ground, and as many as you want filling the branches.
Salt Dough Keepsakes
Salt dough is easy to make at home and hardens when baked. You can store it forever if you keep it well protected. Every year as you unpack it, you will love to feel the imprints of your (once tiny) baby’s fingers or toes. It will bring back all of the memories that you are hoping to hold onto right now.
The Parenting Patch has a recipe that includes adding the paint into the dough if you want to color to be consistent and all the way through your project. You can still add paint to the finished product to make tiny hands look like turkeys, feet to look like corn stalks, or any other creative things you can turn those little imprints into.
Teach Me Mommy took the salt dough pumpkin a step further by cutting out a circle prior to baking. She shows you how to turn the keepsake into a picture frame!
If crafting isn’t your thing, try setting up a photo shoot at home. There are numerous youtube videos on how to get the best lighting - and using your iPhone to get the best picture. Order a few props on Etsy or head over to the nearest store for fall decorations.