Words of Encouragement for Ultrasound Boutiques
As the saying goes, “Doing what you love isn’t work.”
We truly hope that this is how you feel everyday you enter your business. What an honor you have to give clients a glance inside their bodies. You are gifting them moments they will never forget. You offer them keepsakes, recordings, and an overall experience that will have them reserving a second appointment before they hold their babies.
As days are long, and work can become exhausting, we wanted to share a few words of encouragement with you to remind you what an impact you are making on the families who walk in your doors. Take a few minutes to breathe it all in and then treat yourself to something special. You deserve it.
You Provide a Connection
Moms sometimes need to see or hear their babies before the reality of pregnancy sets in. The shock, the smiles, the tears, they all are expressed because of you. The connection that a mother forms with her unborn baby is strengthened because of you.
You Provide the Ultimate Surprise
Boy or girl? Perhaps a mother wants to keep it a secret. No matter what she wants, you are the one who has to share or keep that secret surprise!
You Provide Happiness in Time of Heartache
Learning about loss is gut-wrenching, but you are the only place that a mother can get one last picture, or hear a tiny heartbeat for the last time in some cases. The emotions that will weigh on you are never easy to carry, but knowing that you are able to provide a moment in time that will be looked back upon forever, that will carry you through.
If you don’t believe us, here are words from mothers everywhere who describe just how special receiving an ultrasound is…
“Seeing my baby during an ultrasound was like I was breathing for the first time myself, that moment changes you forever.” -Sharon
“I remember being so confident that we were having a healthy baby girl. (Even though we didn’t know the gender yet). When I saw her and the U/S tech said “its a girl” I just felt so complete and said “I know”. I just knew it. My first “mother’s intuition” was right and it made my heart so full.” -Amy
“After 2 girls I was certain we would have a third. As soon as I saw this, “is that what I think it is?!” As I lift my jaw off the floor.” -Lauren
“Since Cadence was a rainbow baby, I was a nervous wreck at my 8 week u/s appointment. All I wanted to see was that little heart fluttering. It was a huge relief when I saw that tiny baby was a-ok in there! I felt like I could take on the world at that moment.” -Brandy
“Having an ultrasound was terrifying and exciting all at once. With my first I knew he was a boy before and with my second I wasn’t 100%...that was nerve racking. I genuinely felt so overwhelmed that I cried and cried on the table...goo on the stomach, tears in my eyes and baby swimming around!” -Maren