Uterus Transplant: A New Hope for Family

The science community has done it again. They have created hope. This hope is for women who have suffered the heartache of thinking they would never carry children due to uterine problems. The First Uterine Transplant has not only taken place, but has been accepted by the recipient's body (so far).
Here at My Baby's Heartbeat Bear, we could not be more hopeful for Lindsey and her family! While there are times that science oversteps its boundaries, this should not be considered anything less than a medical miracle. Being an organ donor saves lives, but going a step beyond, and allowing the uterus to be donated (as it is not on the list of organs approved when becoming a donor) is actually blessing the world with potential new life - countless lives if this procedure works and becomes a possibility for so many others. We cannot wait to be a part of the pregnancies of women who never believed they could carry their own children. Every heartbeat will be cherished.