Tips for a Fearless Pregnancy during the Pandemic

You are a warrior.
You are a goddess.
You are capable and able.
You are a mother, and you can take control of so much throughout these intense times.
Trusting your gut is the sixth sense that becomes so overwhelmingly strong as you become a mother for the first time. It continues to be one of your strongest senses as your child grows, you mature as a parent, and as you endure more pregnancies. Now, more than ever, this gut intuition you have should be honed in on and harvested whenever possible.
There are things you can control and those you cannot. Your stress level is within your control. Stress plays a large role in your pregnancy and labor, so keeping yourself centered, calm, and content is the key to feeling fearless in the face of this pandemic.
Things You Cannot Control
You cannot control the mandates and birthplace requirements.
If you choose to birth in a hospital, you must accept their specific requirements and work with them instead of against them. By being kind and knowledgeable, you can still have a peaceful birth with minimal interventions.
You cannot control your appointments or attending them alone.
Again, your doctor may have specific requirements in place during the pandemic. You can choose another practice or work with a birthing center and midwife, but if you wish to stay with your doctor, you must accept their policies. This means your appointments and ultrasound scans may be attended without your partner.
You cannot control your baby’s due date.
Your baby will come when he or she is meant to come. Early or late, letting it all happen naturally is what every birth team wants for a healthy pregnancy right now.
You cannot control others’ opinions.
This is the hardest one to accept. Parenthood is full of others’ opinions, but you don’t need to carry the weight of any of them. The fears that are being thrown around right now will not do you any good. While you cannot control what others think and say to you, you can control how it impacts you. You continue living and growing your baby in the healthiest and happiest ways possible. Turn off the news, hang up the phone, delete those negative texts, and you do you.
Things You Can Control
You can control your diet and supplements.
Your gut health is linked to your happiness and overall well-being. Choose your meals and vitamins wisely to support your pregnancy. It may seem small, but these choices will have you feeling in control of your body.
You can control your exercise.
Working out every day will boost your serotonin levels and allow you to better understand your body. You will be more in tune with your growing uterus and moving baby. You will be able to handle labor better, too. Knowing your body is key to feeling in control while pregnant.
You can control your labor and childbirth education.
Childbirth classes are being offered virtually right now, and you should find one that fits your schedule ASAP. You want to learn everything you can to prepare to be your own advocate if needed during birth. Hopefully, your partner will be able to fill that role, so he should attend the classes, too.
You can control your birth team and place of birth.
You have the right to choose your birth team. You can opt for a midwife and a home birth or birthing center location that provide you with little to no restrictions as far as your birth is concerned. You can change your mind at any time throughout your pregnancy and interview other options, too.
You can control your happiness.
Take the time to fill your cup each and every day. Take walks, do yoga, read a book, or take a bath. Shop online instead of in-person if it lowers your stress levels. Talk often with friends and family who lift you up and support your decisions. Keep open communication about your worries and your hopes with your partner.