The Stay-At-Home Pregnancy Bucket List

Don't fret because you are spending more time than usual at home right now. You can still enjoy and celebrate your pregnancy while social distancing yourself from others.
The Stay-At-Home Pregnancy Bucket List
Record Your Baby’s Heartbeat.
You can still capture your baby’s heartbeat while at home by ordering a doppler (or renting it free!) with your Heartbeat Animal. Hugging that precious stuffed animal will play the comforting sound over and over again.
Throw a Virtual Baby Shower.
See our guide to hosting a virtual baby shower for great tips and ideas to celebrate your pregnancy while staying at home.
Fill a Freezer with Postpartum Meals.
Time may seem to be never-ending right now, but once your baby arrives, you will find that the hours magically disappear. Spend an entire day or three cooking a preparing freezer meals. Make sure that you label them and include any fresh items that need to be added when cooked. See a few delicious freezer meal ideas here.
Pamper Your Skin and Hair.
Face masks, hand cream, and deep conditioners will have you glowing.
Organize the Perfect Nursery.
Have everything delivered and grab your tools (or your mocktail while your partner grabs the tools). Order all of the sweet things to accessorize with, too.
Order Whatever You Crave.
Think of your favorite local restaurants and support them right now when ordering in. If you tell them you are pregnant, they will surely make all of your pregnancy dreams come true.
Post Pregnancy Mantras Around the House.
There is beauty within words. Write your own affirmations or choose quotes that speak to your heart. We have compiled a list of beautiful affirmations that you can print or recreate to hang throughout your home.
Make a Belly Mold.
These have fallen off the must-do lists, but you have plenty of time on your hands, so why not? You can create a bowl or nursery decoration with it. It is a messy project, and quite time consuming, but the end result is typically beautiful. Learn how to make one here.
Celebrate Mocktail Hour.
The list of mocktail recipes out there is long (and delicious!). Have some fun experimenting and host a virtual Zoom social hour once a week with your besties! These are two of our favorites:
Honey Blackberry Mint Mocktails
Blackberry, honey, fresh mint, lemon, water, and seltzer will leave the most refreshing and fun bubbles on your tongue. You can tell your friends they can add a shot of vodka in if they want!
Honey, lime, grapefruit juice, orange bitters, salt, and a dash of chili powder make for a crave-worthy drink.
Take an Online Childbirth Education Class.
You can register with a simple click and attend live face-to-face classes with a certified childbirth educator. With most hospitals across the country still limiting visitors, it will be unlikely that a doula can join you during your labor and birth. Learning about your options is imperative to you having a positive birth experience right now.
Take Online Prenatal Exercise Classes.
The added bonus to this is that you don’t have to feel uncoordinated or weird like you might in a group setting! You can also press pause and pee as many times as you’d like during the class.
Plant a Garden.
It's wonderful to watch something grow as you are growing. It’s also wonderful to take charge of something right now. Caring for, tending to, and loving a garden can help calm you keep you connected to the earth.
Do Your Kegels. Drink Your Water. Move Your Body.
There is no excuse not to get these three things in every day while you are at home! Your blood pressure and postpartum body will thank you!