Beat the Heat While Pregnant

If the three-digit temperatures here are any indication on what the weather gods have planned for the next few months, we all may melt. Our hearts go out to all the mamas smuggling a watermelon under their shirts!
You are hot, tired, gaining weight, not sleeping well, and not able to sit around taking ice baths all day. You are allowed to complain - so complain away, but know that this heat wave doesn't have to ruin your outlook on pregnancy!
Beat the heat and survive this summer while pregnant
One of the most important things you can do while pregnant (and life in general) is to stay properly hydrated. Pregnancy naturally raises the body temperature, and hydration will cool you from the inside out. You can drink it at room temperature or with ice, infused or carbonated. Carry a large insulated bottle with you at all times to decrease the chance of dehydration.
Add ice to any drink that is not water. Ice melts and becomes water, so you will get that little extra water intake without realizing it. Ice is also wonderful to suck on!
A cold compress can do wonders for the pregnant body. Have no shame, go ahead and put it on that swollen labia of late pregnancy.PORTABLE FANS (with misting option)
You can buy one almost anywhere, and it will help regulate your body temperature on a hot day.
This may sound like a fashion statement, but it serves the purpose of keeping the direct sun off of your face and shoulders. Always seek out a shaded area when possible.
Submerge yourself whenever possible. This takes the weight off of your joints, alleviates pains, and cools you off.COOL SHOWERS
Never underestimate the power of a shower. Invest in a Bluetooth speaker and let the music play while you sit under the cascading waterfall of cool water.LIGHT-WEIGHT CLOTHING
Stick with minimal clothing, light in weight and colors. No one cares if you are dressed to the nines.
Just like water, cooler foods will keep you cool from the inside out. Think of smoothies, popsicles, cold fruits, salads, etc. to keep you full throughout the next few months.
You do not have to do it all. If you have a chance to just stay home in the air conditioning, take it!
No one knows you like YOU. If you feel dizzy, nauseated, swollen, or off in way, contact your birth team for advice and support. Always head inside and rehydrate at the first sign of any weird feelings.