Summer Baby Necessities

Tiny little fingers and tiny little toes… and all of those delicious baby rolls to kiss on! Oh, the newness, that first summer of (minimally) sun-kissed skin, it’s a season that will stay with you forever!
With the summer comes the heat. Whether you will be sticking to neighborhood walks or heading to the waterfront, planning ahead to keep your new baby comfortable is key.
If you are due soon, consider adding these to your wishlist, registry, or to your own shopping cart.
Summer Baby Necessities
Mesh Ring Sling for the Water
You prob ably aren't bringing your newborn into the ocean or the pool at a few weeks old, but once you are comfortable (and umbilical cord has fallen off and healed), go for it.
Whether your baby gets wet or not is up to you, but the mesh ring sling is the perfect outdoor option because it is breathable and allows the water to pass through. You can keep your baby sitting high enough on your chest to be out of the water too.
Thin, Light-Weight, Breathable Carrier
A great ring sling is a must throughout the newborn stage, but after a few months, the convenience of tossing on a more structured carrier is a game-changer. It’s easier on the back and allows you to have full use of both arms. The problem is that most of these carriers are thicker, so finding a great, breathable carrier is key for the hot summer. Beco offers a great option!
Portable (rechargeable) Fan
You can charge it in the car on your way to wherever you are heading (or inside the house) and have it ready to keep your baby cool for hours.
Baby Tent
A pop-up, easy to pack (and carry) shade tent is key if you plan to be outside for a good portion of the day. This is great for the backyard or the beach.
Brimmed Hats
A good mesh or breathable wide-brimmed hat is a must while outside.
Muslin Sleep Sacks
Muslin fabric is perfect for the summer; it leaves you with the option of a warmer or cooler pajama choice for the night.
Muslin Blankets
These blankets are gorgeous and practical throughout the warmer months. They are soft, breathable, and can quickly become an addiction once you see just how many patterns there are.
Car Seat Sun Shade
This is a must for car seats in the heat of the summer. The buckles and fabric can become too hot to set your baby on, and the easiest answer is a safe shade that fits the seat and protects it from the heat. This will also help preserve the lifespan of the straps.
Baby Stroller Cooling Pad
Another great addition to your list is a cooling pad for the stroller!
Car Noggle
If there are no air vents that can blow toward the backseat in the car, a Noggle is a lifesaver.
Cooling Towel
This handy little towel can be easily kept in the diaper bag and pulled out whenever needed. You just pour water on it and ring it out!
Cloth Diapers
Summer is the best season for cloth diapers because they make for minimal clothing decisions. Fluffy butts are just the cutest thing ever!
6 months+ Sunscreen
Sunscreen isn’t recommended until 6 months or older, so hold off until then, but once you are ready, choose a safe option.
Insulated Sippy Cup
Once your baby is old enough to have water (recommended age is not until 6 months), a sippy cup that keeps water cold is key during those hot days!
Have fun with that new baby this summer!