Single and Pregnant: Battling Holiday Loneliness in 2020

The holiday cheer may have won you over for the first few weeks of the season, but we are hitting the peak of merriness and, for most of our country, that means minimal social interaction.
It can be hard to watch happy couples shopping for one another – or families spending time together, even on social media.
Forget about the abnormal year it has been for just a minute and think about families. The “typical” family is no longer what is expected. If anything, the white-picket-fenced dream family is so far from reality. Times have changed; rules are no longer in place, and you can go confidently in the direction you choose with your head held high. This is especially true for women who are not in a relationship, but are pregnant. Whether your baby was planned, or not – or whether your relationship status is new, or the relationship was not worth a title to begin with, there is happiness that surrounds you.
Bringing a new life into the world is a magnificent responsibility, and one in which you are handling solo. Bravo, Mama.
In a season that can trigger depression when you feel alone, you can help yourself overcome it by having a plan.
Understand that the Holidays will be Over Soon.
It is only a season and not a way of life. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and you will make it out soon.
Talk to Someone.
Everyone has a therapist. It’s almost weirder not to have one these days. Lay it all out there and ask for the proper tools to help you in your situation. (Zoom makes therapy even easier!)
Make the Best with People Who Love You.
Being single and pregnant may make you feel like you are carrying the world on your shoulders, but if you open your heart, there is love around. Your family, your friends, coworkers, or support groups can all help you stay focused on the fun of the season - even virtually.
Take a Few Prenatal Yoga Classes.
Stress is not good for you or your growing baby. De-stress and bond with your little bean in an online yoga class every few days.
Record Your Baby's Heartbeat.
At your next prenatal appointment, record your baby's heartbeat into a My Baby's Heartbeat Bear. You will be able to snuggle that sweet sound throughout the season - which is bound to keep you smiling!
Treat Yourself.
I am not talking about getting something for the new baby; I’m talking about YOU. Maybe you skip out on exchanging gifts with others and splurge on something for you.
Any other year, this would have been easy; but, COVID has put a damper on in-person opportunities. You can still collect items for local programs, donate gifts to families in need, and contact churches to ask where needs lay.
Hold a Girls’ Night.
You might not be able to drink right now, but research shows that drinking isn’t recommended when you are feeling down anyway (not to mention the whole drinking-while-pregnant thing). There is nothing that says you can’t laugh your butt off as your friends throw them back though! Laughter is the key here. It doesn’t matter what type of girls’ night you attend, just make sure it is filled with women you truly enjoy. This can be virtual or a small, socially-distance event somewhere you feel comfortable.
Binge Watch a New Show.
Thank God for Netflix and Hallmark movies. Put on your warmest socks, order in whatever you are craving and turn your phone off – then hit the play button.
Do What You Love.
I know you are feeling down right now, but try to remember what makes you happy. If you can find the energy to focus on something you love, it may help to lift your spirits. Drawing, writing, running, baking, reading, whatever your pleasure may be, try to fall back into it.
There is so much to be proud of in your life. If you are struggling with your current situation, find support. You are not the first to walk this path, although your journey is your own; you are not alone.