Look at those Genes!
Genetics are amazing. Sometimes there is absolutely no doubt whose bloodline a new addition is related to. Other times, it takes a little digging to find that one relative whom your child truly resembles. Either way, when you compare pictures from the past and present, you end up doing a double take. My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear followers sent us pictures both old and new, showing us just how strong the genetics can run! We had a blast looking through all of them and even pulled a few from our own families. It’s often one of the first fun conversations a family has after the birth of a new baby: “Who does baby resemble?” or “Those are my ears! And my chin!” Sometimes features change over time and so do the opinions on who a child looks like, or sometimes it’s a child’s expression that ties him to his great uncle. Go ahead and pull out those old family photos that someone has stored under a bed somewhere, and start holding them up next to your screenshots!
Mom + Daughter
Dad + Son
Mom + Daughter
Grandmother + Granddaughter
Mom + Daughter
Mom + Daughter
Dad + Son
Mom + Daughter
Mom + Son
Great Niece + Great Aunt
Mom + Daughter
Great Grandfather + Great Grandson
Mom + Daughter
Dad + Daughter
Dad + Daughter
Mom + Son
Mom + Daughter
Daughter + Mom
Dad + Son
Dad + Daughter
Mom + Son
Mom + Daughter
Mom + Son
Dad + Son
Mom + Son
Grandmother + Mother + Daughter
Same Mother + Daughter + Grandmother years later!
Dad + Son
4 Generations