Staying Happy: Pregnancy and Birth Affirmations

Whether you have experienced loss before or are just nervous and anxious about your pregnancy, affirmations can be a great tool to use to help guide your mind into a positive place. Many women who choose to birth naturally create affirmation banners to hang where they hope to give birth. But the truth is that affirmations can be used by any mother – not just one who is birthing at home.
Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. Your internal dialogue is a stream of affirmations. You’re using affirmations every moment whether you know it or not. The change comes when you take charge of your words - both internally and orally. By reading and saying affirmations that you choose, your mind shifts into a more positive place – a place in which you can better bond with your pregnancy.
There is beauty within words. Write your own affirmations or choose quotes that speak to your heart.
From one mother to another, I wish you a pregnancy full of peace, excitement and love. Remember that you are allowed to feel weak, but deep down know that you are strong.