How To Detox A Child From The Holidays

There is no denying just how 'off-schedule' the holiday season is for children. There is sugar served by the bowl-full, grandparents and extended family behind every door, and interrupted days with crazy sleep hours.
The immune systems are sent into overdrive as the body intakes ample amounts of non-nutrient dense foods, less sleep, and increased germ exposure. You combine this with ample gift-giving and increased screen time and your child may be in need of a detox.
You are undecorating the house and the kids are repacking their backpacks to head into the final semesters of the school year. The flu is running rampant; it is not exactly the best time to send your child off into the trenches. There are several ways in which you can detox your child from the holidays; some may help immediately, and others may take a few days, but all are worth experimenting with to get your life back on track. A few things you may notice that signal a detox is needed:
- Extreme emotional shifts (high highs, low lows)
- Increase in tantrums
- Upset bellies (diarrhea or constipation)
- Difficulty with kindness/sharing/or other normally typical abilities
- Foggy thoughts/unable to express wants like normal
Detoxing Kids From the Holidays
Eliminate processed foods (anything that comes in a box, most restaurant foods, cured meats, etc). Stick with whole foods, preferably organic whenever possible. You can eliminate all gluten as well as dairy and sugar (with the exception of limited fruits). While this sounds extreme, it’s really not that hard. Choose fruits, vegetables, starchy whole foods, local meats, etc. You can make a daily smoothie, hide chia seeds, probiotics, coconut oil, and extra vitamins! The gut holds 80% of the immune system and is connected to everything from the brain to the senses. Getting the gut back on track will take some time, but it will make everyone in the house happier.
Water Only
Increase the water drinking and eliminate any soda, juice, or other option! Flush the body out.
Detox baths are a wonderful addition to this process. Adding in 2 cups of high-quality Epsom salt into the warm bath water will help draw out toxins. Add 2-3 drops of a child-safe essential oil to this depending on what exactly is bothering your children. For example, lavender helps to calm everyone down.
Screen Time
Turn the screens off to detox. Nothing great comes from screen lights, and turning them off forces the brain to think for itself. You may need this detox just as much as the children do! Boredom sparks creativity, and the crankiness that comes with the screens will dissipate.
It's not a coincidence that the sun sets earlier right now. It helps the body to fall asleep easier. As the body detoxes and sheds the toxins, extra sleep is needed.
Diffusing Essential Oils
Diffuse a few kid-friendly essential oil blends throughout the day.
Make sure you incorporate exercise into your daily routine (and your children's), as it will help the mind, body, and soul feel better.