Help Prevent Preterm Birth - Support the March for Babies

“Our country is facing an urgent maternal and infant health crisis. The U.S. remains among the most dangerous developed nations for childbirth.”
-March of Dimes

Join My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear as we team with the Crocetto family and March of Dimes to raise money in support of infant and maternal health services and research. By using the code "NOVANADIA" with your purchase, you will receive free shipping and all proceeds from the order will go directly to the Crocetto's fundraising goals as they partake in the 'March for Babies' this April.
The Crocetto family knows too well how important this nonprofit organization is to families experiencing long NICU stays. Megan Crocetto gave birth to beautiful twin girls, Nova and Nadia at 26 weeks 2 days gestation, after a healthy pregnancy/delivery, a miscarriage, and a devastating pregnancy loss prior. Even with a stitch in her cervix and bedrest, her water broke and labor was stalled but couldn't be stopped.

While this used to be considered too early to survive, modern technology has worked miracles to save preterm babies. For families like Megan's, who know they will have an infant (or two) staying in the NICU, there is time to understand the ins and outs, but the heart will still never be ready for the reality of having a preemie.
In the 114 and 115 days spent in the NICU, Nova and Nadia faced multiple challenges including bleeding in the brain, infections, and a handful of transfusions. They were able to develop and grow despite these obstacles, and, although left with so many questions, Megan and Nicholas were able to bring their babies home to their big brother. Now 7 months old, the girls are thriving, but the family is unsure of the health challenges that may occur in the future due to their preterm birth.

At My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear, we believe every baby is a miracle, and our keepsakes provide comfort to families experiencing the heartbreaking anxiety and stress that come with NICU stays. We want nothing more than to see the health equity gap close, allowing all women the same pregnancy care and birth experience. We agree that no matter a mother’s race, economic standing, or beliefs, preventable maternal and infant death should be caught, treated, and successfully prevented prior to a preterm delivery.
As always, we are sending baby dust to those trying to conceive, praying to carry to term, and preparing to bring their baby home.