Regain Your Birthing Rights

We learned just how strong women are throughout the pandemic in 2020-2022(+). They gave birth masked and alone. Some were needlessly separated from their newborns, leading to challenges with breastfeeding, bonding, and stacking the deck toward postpartum depression to experience without needed support. While it feels wonderful to be on the other side of things now, we should take what was learned and rise stronger and more empowered than ever. It is time to regain our birthing freedoms and dictate our wants and needs throughout pregnancy and labor.
While new virusues and mutations are alive and ever-spreading, the extreme trepidations (and overly-sanitized homes with no outside germ exposure) are not healthy for a pregnancy, and everyone knows that now. With a wealth of information about healthy lifestyle choices, proper clean eating, vitamin intake, exercise, and needed germ exposure, we should adapt and move forward. The hardest part of the journey is taking your health into your own hands.
Some hospitals may still have extreme protocols in place, but you have the ability to fight and have the birth you deserve. You must be educated and make the best decisions for yourself, your baby, and your family - even if that means standing up (respectfully and kindly) and going against the masses. If we want to fully regain normalcy or create a higher level of respect throughout pregnancy, we must fight harder now than ever before. Giving birth masked and alone, setting mothers up for the domino effect of interventions, post-birth challenges, and entering motherhood without the ‘village,’ is not okay, nor is improper education and hostile environments.
Let's OWN our labors and births.

2024: Regain Your Birthing Rights
A healthy, typical pregnancy should be treated as such. This means that you have several options outside of a hospital setting:
Consider a Homebirth
The alternative birthing community (midwives, homesbirths, birth centers) was overwhelmed in 2020+ with women who wanted to birth outside of the hospital. So many were turned away, though, because they were not actually prepared for an unmedicated, natural birth. These practices are now fully caught up and prepared to help you. A homebirth is successful when both partners and birth team are on the same page. You must be educated and ready (as easy as taking amazing birthing classes!)..
Utilize a Midwife
Your bond and relationship with your birthing team is vital right now. If you can have a doula along with your partner, that would be even better, but a midwife establishes that foundation for a truly supported birth.
Even if birthing outside of a hospital scares you, consider your risks of birthing within one after educating yourself. Weigh both sides well before choosing. Perhaps a midwife at a hospital works for you, or search for an OB who will allow your partner with you at every appointment.
All pregnancies deserve personalized care. Even if you are in a higher-risk category, consider the following:
Interview Multiple Birth Teams
OB’s are not one size fits all. Find the practice that you connect with and respects your wishes. You want a team that will fight for your rights and not make you feel wrong for wanting them.
Take Multiple Birthing Classes
Whether you plan a natural birth, a medicated labor, or need a c-section, well-studied birthing classes are a must. You want to be educated and ready for anything.
Read Everything About Pregnancy, Labor, Birth, and the Newborn Stage
Again, your knowledge is the key to achieving the birth you want.
Write a Thorough Birth Plan
You must put in writing what you want. You must then spend an hour or more reviewing this with your birth team. If you are not on the same page, there is always time to find a new team. You don’t get any do-overs once labor has started, so fight the good fight now.
Setup a Support System
You need a village after your baby arrives. This includes trustworthy friends and family members. It means having loved ones come over to check on you so you are not alone.
Interview Several Pediatricians
No one talks about what happens after you give birth. You must have a pediatrician lined up, and today that means finding one that supports your choices for your baby and does not push anything on you.
Do Not Go Against Your Gut Intuition on Anything
That sixth sense you gain as a mother is there for a reason. Do not ever ignore it.