Finding Support After Pregnancy and Infant Loss

It's not easy to move on after losing a baby. It's not easy to watch as the rest of the world continues spinning like normal while you find it hard to put one foot in front of the other. Somehow, though, we do it...
But we don't have to do it alone.
There is no shame in seeking support and help after experiencing a miscarriage, stillbirth or loss of an infant. The range of emotions you will live through may need guidance. Friends and family will love you with all their being, but you may seek more; you may want to talk with others who have lost, grieved, and survived. You may want a network of other families. You may want a therapist and a network of others. The support is out there, but sometimes finding it can be hard, and doing so while grieving can push you deeper into depression.
You are not alone.
You are 1 in 4.
I am 1 in 4.
Together, we understand.
We, along with so many others, belong to a club that no one wants to be a part of... but here we are. The truth is that we will keep putting one foot in front of the other. We will also have days where we take several steps backward. The tears will always be on the brim of falling, and our babies will never be forgotten.
If you are seeking support during or after a loss please reach out to any or all of the following: Still Birthday A site in which you can find a doula to help you through your loss, see pictures of angel babies, read about other's experiences and share your own.
HAND (Helping After Neonatal Death) Non-profit organization offering a free 24-hour phone support: 1-888-908-HAND
Miscarriage Matters Organization that offers a free online live chat support service.
Babyloss Providing information and support for anyone affected by the death of a baby during pregnancy, at birth, or shortly afterwards.
Center for Loss in Multiple Birth Site providing parent-to-parent support for those who have experienced the death of one or more twins or multiple-birth children at any time from conception through birth, infancy, and early childhood.
First Candle/SIDS Alliance A national nonprofit health organization with the goals of advancing infant health and survival, and increasing public participation and support in the fight against infant mortality.
Healing Hearts Baby Loss Comfort Healing Hearts offers resource and memorial pages, and comfort support products for grieving families and friends.
The M.I.S.S. Foundation Support and information for families who have experienced the loss of a baby or child.
National Share Providing support to those whose lives are touched by the tragic death of a baby through early pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or newborn death. All information packets, correspondence, and support are free of charge for bereaved parents.
Return to Zero Finding hope and healing after the death of a baby through outreach, education, research, and retreats.
Pregnancy After Loss Online community forum for mothers who are pregnant again after the loss of a baby.
Silent Grief Support for all who have suffered miscarriage and later child loss.
Bereaved Parents of the USA Founded by a group of bereaved parents from across the country with the sole purpose to offer support, understanding, encouragement and hope to other bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents after the death of their children, brother, sister or grandchildren.
Faces of Loss A website sharing personal stories from bereaved parents.
Grieving Dads A personal blog designed to reach out to all bereaved dads and to provide a safe place to share their stories.
The Compassionate Friends Provides highly personal comfort, hope, and support to every family experiencing the death of a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, or a grandchild, and helps others better assist the grieving family.
Angel Names Association Assists families with burial expenses, funds research, and hosts an annual Memorial Walk. They service families who endure miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant death.
TEARS Foundation Non-profit organization that seeks to compassionately assist bereaved parents with the financial expenses they face in making final arrangements for their precious baby who has died. TEARS also offers support groups and peer companion program in select states.