It’s Mother’s Day weekend, and while we are all elbow deep in mimosas and fancy brunches -or laundry and dirty diapers, I think we need to take a minute to celebrate our mom friendships. You see, I truly believe that ‘The Village’ is alive and well! The modern village may not be the same as THE village that everyone is always talking about, but like most things in life – it has evolved. Today’s village consists of tens of thousands of tribes, each one strong and supportive. While tribes may see things differently, as a whole, the village is a force to be reckoned with. So this Mother’s Day, let’s take a moment to be thankful for our tribe, whether it be large or small – brand new or two decades old. The people who lift us up, support us through it all, withhold judgement, vent frustrations and celebrate successes. Those we can depend on; those we view as extended family. The gypsie life my family lives has granted me the opportunity to be a part of -and expand on- quite a few tribes. These women have changed my life in amazing ways, and I believe that I have gained confidence and become a better mom because of them all.
RECORD YOUR BABY'S HEARTBEAT IN AN ADORABLE STUFFED ANIMAL! I met my original tribe while at a natural birthing course. After a little persistence on my part (I was determined to have a tribe), we began weekly “Wine Time” playdates and monthly BBQ’s with the husbands. We transitioned into motherhood together. We laughed and cried together. We had our first mom’s night out EVER together.

And then we moved. Our next stop introduced me to my motherhood-soulmate. The woman who completely understood and believed in me (the feeling was mutual). She picks me up whenever I fall – even over the phone. Together we can conquer the world (One glass of wine at a time).

And then we moved again. Here I became submersed in an eclectic tribe. It was more like two tribes that overlapped. One of which we shared weekly meals with, I could call upon at any moment for friendship, help, or conversation. The other made up my weekly playdates and day-to-day friendships.

And then we moved again. Here I am in our 4
th state. We have lived here for two years now, and I have made a handful of friendships, one that truly means the world to me. But the tribe is still being formed. I have learned that sometimes it happens naturally in an instance, and other times it takes work to find your tribe. I’m breaking out the Bunco dice next month in hopes to bring together an eclectic group who will hopefully become my lifeline here.

The beauty of these friendships is that I can take my children on a 17 hour road trip each summer, and stop to reunite with the tribes as we go!

Over time, my tribe(s) has grown and changed, but there is no doubt that these women would come running if needed – just as I would do for them. So don’t give up hope on our society. We may all parent and live differently, but there is a village that you are already a part of, and a tribe ready to lift you up. Find your tribe. (#FindYourTribe)

Our husbands all played hockey together so we met by chance! We were all pregnant within 2 months of each other... We get together once a week for mommy and me dates at our houses or parks and I look forward to them each week! It's a time where we can vent about anything that's on our mind or get advice on our babies.... Our girls see each other now and get so excited and give each other kisses! ~Karissa-Ann

We talk and bounce thoughts and ideas off each other almost all day long. We celebrate together, cry together, have fun and laugh together. We go out of our way to help on those hard days but if we just can't make that happen, lots of prayers are lifted. When my truck broke down over 100 miles from home, they drove to us, and made sure the kids got home safely. Or another time, when having a rough day, one came over, brought chocolate and kombucha, and helped me clean. Beach days wouldn't be the same without them. ~Shannon

My tribe or village is full of military spouses . When our spouses are gone we stick together, when they are gone we eat PIE !!!! But really without these wives in my life I sometimes don't know how I would do it . They help babysit, keep me in line and most of all the support is amazing. ~Cat

We have been through so much together, we have had babies together, sadly we have lost babies together, and have lost one of our own over the past decade. Each one of us parents a bit differently but we are each other's sound boards, biggest fans and we tell the blunt honest truth and we just aren't sure how we could do this life without one another or without our giant group text that goes all day keeping each other in check and laughing. We are spread across the US and a few of us lucky ones are neighbors. ~Tara