Best Relief for Back Pain in Labor

Pregnancy, labor and birth have a funny way of throwing you for a loop just when you think you've figured it all out. This is especially true when it comes to labor.
Everything you read talks about the wave of contractions, the progression, the transition, and the birth. And yes, that is a pretty typical labor, but many women will experience a different version of childbirth.
Contractions may not tighten the abdomen and intensify in a mildly progressive manner. Some contractions may wrap around the lower back causing you to not know if it is real labor. If your baby is 'sunnyside up,' meaning in an OP position face looking towards your belly button, labor may begin with slowly intensifying back pain. It can take some time and movement to help convince your baby to turn a bit and get into an easier birthing position, so managing the pain is somthing you will want to know how to do.
Finding Relief In Back Labor
Move: Walk, rock, dance, sway on an exercise ball -- just move. Moving encourages your baby to move.
Rebozo: This technique involves a large piece of fabric being wrapped around your belly while you are on all fours. Someone pulls the fabric tight above you, relieving the weight and pain. They can rock your belly side to side to help guide baby into a better position.
Ice/Heat: Alternating between the two may bring you some relief.
Massage: Have your partner use a tennis ball and apply counter-pressure to your lower back through the contractions.
Get Wet: A shower with a removable shower head can help the pain. Have your partner hold the water on your lower back as you rock against the wall. A warm bath may also help soothe the pain.
Pelvic Tilts: Drop to your hands and kneed and do the cat/cow yoga stretches. This tends to tell baby to turn around!
Sitting Backwards on the Toilet: There is something marvelous about the cold porcelain toilet while in labor. Sitting backwards on the toilet allows gravity to help labor, gives you the tank to hold on to, and it leaves you in good position to be massaged.
No matter how your body experiences labor, know that you are strong and capable to bringing your baby into the world. You are a Rockstar!