Beauty and Her Bump 4D Ultrasound Boutique: Supplying Sunshine During the Storm.

Pregnancy is a miraculous and glorious event that brings with it a tremendous amount of emotions. Becoming a parent for the first time or adding a child to the family can be overwhelming, but seeing your baby via ultrasound will instantly create a connection and solidify your feelings of happiness.
Beauty and Her Bump 4D Ultrasound Boutique is the first and only elective prenatal ultrasound center in the greater Southern Illinois Area, and it is currently open and providing personalized care for mothers in the surrounding area. Owner Trish Murphy ensures that although safety and cleanliness have always been a top priority at the ultrasound studio, they are now taking extra precautions to do everything within their power to keep patients, their loved ones, and the staff safe.
(To find out more about Beauty & Her Bump’s COVID-19 safety plans or book an appointment visit
Hearing your baby’s heartbeat and seeing him dance around on the 55” screen will not only make you smile, but it will give you peace of mind. While the world outside is full of uncertainty, this tiny miracle you are growing deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated. You deserve to be celebrated. At Beauty and Her Bump that is exactly what happens. Many expecting mothers today are either having their routine obstetrical appointments via telemedicine or their partners are not allowed to attend the appointments. This can be a heartbreaking experience for families. At Beauty and Her Bump, your ultrasound will be one you remember forever - with your partner or family member; it will provide a ray of sunshine throughout this storm.
The boutique provides the highest quality 2D, 3D, and 4D ultrasounds and provides you and your family with the opportunity to interact and share this once-in-a-lifetime experience. With a variety of ultrasound packages, Early Gender Determination, and 4D HDiLive Packages, you will find the perfect option for your family. They also offer clinical DNA Gender Blood Test at only 8 weeks. Premium packages include a My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear Keepsake Animal! You can also shop newborn and maternity items, gender reveal items, fetal dopplers, and a large variety of Heartbeat Keepsake Animals.
Trish loves seeing her patients several times throughout their pregnancies, as many mothers visit as early as 8 weeks for their DNA Gender Blood Test, again at 13 weeks for their Gender Ultrasound Session, and at least once more during their 3rd trimester for their 4D Ultrasound Session. She forms a bond with each mother and enjoys seeing the babies outside of the womb, too. Many have visited again as they’ve become big siblings!
Trish also recommends recording your baby’s heartbeat and bringing it home alongside your high-quality images. She is contacted all the time by moms who have done so, telling her what a comfort it is to hear that sweet sound again and again.
If you are currently pregnant and reside in or near the Southern Illinois area, contact Trish to schedule your appointment. She will reserve a time, prepare her boutique for you, lock the doors to prevent any others from entering during your allotted time, and she will help lift your spirits and give you time to bond with your growing baby.