A Couple’s Baby Shower: Fun Games that Include Dad

Planning a couple’s baby shower can be a blast, but getting the dads involved can be a. bit of a challenge. Hopefully, the mom-to-be has been or will be fully ‘showered’ in her own event because this party should be about both parents-to-be.
Don't skip out on the traditional activities, but shake things up and really include Dad in all the fun! These baby shower games will have everyone laughing, bonding, and celebrating the soon-to-be dad alongside his amazing partner.
Grab some Ultrasound Bingo cards, beer-filled baby bottles, and get ready for some hilarious diaper races and sweet message recordings!
Baby Shower Games to Include Dad
Baby Jeopardy
You can put everyone's baby knowledge to the test with this hilarious game. Create a list of baby-related questions/answers (remember the answer is only correct if said in question form) and have the men compete against the women! The team with the most correct answers wins a prize and the losing team has to either change a baby doll’s diaper, fold tiny baby clothes, or sit in time-out!
Ultrasound Bingo
Get creative with this game by printing out ultrasound images of the baby (or generic images) and adding arrows to different body parts. You can give clues or let the parents battle it out without help. The first parent to correctly guess the body parts wins!

Baby Bottle of Beer
Who says baby showers can't be a little rowdy? For this game, fill baby bottles with beer (or a non-alcoholic beverage for those who prefer) and have guests compete in a chugging contest. You'll be surprised how long it takes to drain a slow-flow bottle.

Baby Food Battle
Have everyone pair up (either women versus men or couple-up) and blindfold one partner. The other partner spoons a bite of baby food into the blindfolded person’s mouth, who must guess the flavor. Set a timer and see which team can correctly identify the most jars of food in the allotted time.

Off to the Races
It’s time for messy fun with this one. Divide men into relay teams where there is one car seat, one baby carrier, and a pack of diapers and wipes for each team. A life-like baby doll is buckled into the infant car seat to begin the race. Dads must unbuckle the baby, place the doll into the baby carrier (on Dad’s chest), run through an obstacle course to a changing table, remove the doll and change a diaper before placing the baby back into the carrier and returning through the course to the car seat and buckling the doll. The dad then hands the baby carrier to the next in line who follows the same path. The first team to finish wins!

Sweet Message Recordings
This game is all about spreading the love and well wishes for the couple-to-be. Set up a recording table with a bowl of recordable hearts and have guests take turns recording sweet messages, advice, or funny anecdotes for the parents-to-be. It's a heartwarming activity that will leave the couple feeling loved and supported as they embark on this new journey. Guests can secure their messages into a Heartbeat Pillow or Heartbeat Animal, or the family can keep them safe and on display in a beautiful manner to grab and listen to at any point of the pregnancy.