7 Reasons to Give Thanks for Your Dog

The day you met your dog, your world changed. It may not have been felt at that instant, but it is a day you can look back on with the understanding of just how amazing that single moment was in your life.
Thanksgiving seems to be the right time to sit back and evaluate those you surround yourself with every day. Learning not to take these people for granted can be hard, but understanding how much they mean to you can be felt easily.
But what about your dog? When was the last time you said out loud that you were truly thankful for his presence? Those slobbery kisses, the wet nose, that puppy breath, and that tail that could possibly wag right off his furry little body every time he sees you, these are all things to be grateful for. Not every human is lucky enough to be a dog lover, it’s time you celebrated all the ways your dog is amazing.
7 Reasons to Give Thanks for Your Dog
Your dog is imperfectly perfect, just like you.
What a boring world it would be if everyone was perfect. There would be no reason to be happy! Your four-legged furbaby is not perfect. He has accidents, eats things he shouldn’t, and possibly brings in dead gifts to drop at your feet. He does, however, snuggle with a passion. Just as you are not exactly the picture of perfection, your best friend matches you in all the right ways.
Your dog understands you.
Science shows that dogs can read emotions. This means that your furry friend can read you like an open book. He may even know what you need more than you know what you need.
Your dog loves you unconditionally.
Right or wrong, your dog will support you until the end of time.
Your dog teaches you.
He teaches you patience, kindness, respect, loyalty, humility, and how to really love. Every day you are shown something through the relationship with your furbaby, you are applying those lessons to your human relationships.
Your dog is your family.
No one can tell you otherwise, either. The best part is that this family member doesn’t yell at you to make your bed.
Your dog provides happiness.
The laughter and smiles that your dog brings to your life are infinite. Through every milestone, you always have a friend to share your celebration.
Your dog makes you a better human.
When you add it all up, your fur baby actually makes you a better person. You treat the world better because you are a dog owner. You respect others, give more of yourself, and are all-around happier human being.
As everyone else lists what they are thankful for this Thanksgiving, be the one who mentions the love of your dog. Even if the humans you are breaking bread with don’t understand, you know in your heart just how lucky you are to have that four-legged furball.