5 Ways Your Ultrasound Business Can Encourage Healthy Pregnancies

Your ultrasound boutique and business can be a great place for expecting mothers to gather information. They are full of excitement and anxiety when they walk in your door, and they are hoping to leave on Cloud 9! You have the opportunity to share in a very emotional and memorable moment with the new mother or family, and generally, you will be asked many pregnancy-related questions.
While birth providers generally provide nutritional advice, you have the unique opportunity to offer delicious healthy snacks with your appointments. You can also host small group information sessions and events. Consider adding the following to your business to create an atmosphere of an ‘upscale pregnancy’ location.
Healthy Pregnancy Offerings
Healthy Snacks and Water
As an all-around high-end experience, you should be offering every mom who walks in your door water or fresh poured complimentary juice. However, that juice should be high-quality and not full of sugar. You can also have a platter of healthy snacks available for your clients to nibble on as they wait for their appointment time to begin. You can keep the snacks simple and offer fresh fruits, seeds, nuts, etc, or you can step up your boutique game and offer energy bites and protein-filled options. You can partner with a local health food business and allow their snacks to be sampled in exchange for handing out their cards and coupons.
Recipe Cards
It can be hard to think of new snack ideas when pregnant. Provide pretty printed recipe cards (on nice card stock paper) and include a little note about why the snack is such a great idea to try at home. If you are in a recipe-rut, you can steal a few of our favorite pregnancy snack recipes!
Information Sessions
Childbirth educators, nutritionists, and birth workers are always looking for opportunities to spread their passion and help new moms. Utilize your waiting room to host information sessions whenever possible. You don’t need the largest space, just enough room for a group of moms to sit in chairs and learn something that they may not have known.
Walking Group
Advertise on local social media mom groups and in every local coffee shop, baby shop, or business that may attract pregnant women - your business can be the starting point for a weekly walking group. If you are not located in a place that works well for a nice walk, host a weekly walk in a nearby park and provide water. You can even turn into a mobile business and offer to let moms hear their babies’ heartbeats on the spot by bringing a doppler with you! (Always set up a table with business information, water, and even a few My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear Animals they can purchase.)
Local Class Listings
You can hang a bulletin board in the waiting area and pin up any healthy local prenatal happenings. You can include local prenatal yoga, belly dancing, and other workout class times. You can also hang up any other fun prenatal information!