5 Ways to Make an Ultrasound Appointment More Memorable for Clients

You provide a service that should stay with a client for a lifetime. However, after giving birth, do many of your clients forget you?
If you wonder what you can do to keep the experience that you provide memorable, consider adding a few touching additions to your practice.
When clients choose your ultrasound boutique, they are hoping for an experience to take with them throughout their pregnancy. They want to come in and feel pampered throughout the entire appointment. From the greeting to the farewell, you are expected to provide an overall five star experience. It can feel like a lot of pressure if you aren’t 100% confident in you services.
5 Ways to Make an Ultrasound More Memorable
Greet Your Clients
Send a text message reminder of the appointment about 24 hours in advance. When the client arrives, offer water and a snack. Make sure that your client feels welcome.
Include the Family
Most clients show up with family in tow. You can have a children’s station ready and waiting with coloring books and crayons for siblings. Another fun option for older siblings is to have a disposable camera ready for the appointment. Give the older children opportunities to take pictures and be a part of the entire experience. The pictures will be something they can be proud of forever.
If other family members are present, try to engage them in conversation whenever possible and include them in a group photograph after the ultrasound.
Record Their Baby’s Heartbeat
More than just recording a heartbeat, make sure that you are giving them that heartbeat within a keepsake they will hold onto forever. My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear gives you over 50 Heartbeat Animals to choose from with picture frames and cards that can also be offered as gifts or sold as boutique offerings. Harvesting the bond between mother and baby will be what brings families back for future appointments - and spreads the word about your business.
Offer a Gender Reveal Envelope
Many couples want to host a gender reveal party at a later date. They need to be able to hand over a sealed envelope to a trusted friend of relative to do so. Make the moment a bit more fun by writing the gender in a sparkly envelope to give some extra suspense.
A party isn’t up everyone’s alley, some couples choose to learn the gender without the big suspenseful reveal. By offering to write the gender down, you are giving the couple a chance to create a memorable moment together in any way they choose. An older sibling can open the envelope. A baker can create a special cupcake. A grandparent can open and read the announcement. It really doesn’t matter how they choose to open the envelope, but knowing that your added touches made the moment more special will be enough to make you smile.
Take Pictures
When printing pictures of the baby, include personalized bow or bowtie stickers on them.
As the family finishes their appointment, take their picture in front of a fun wall in your office. You can have mural, a backdrop, a seasonal setting, or a simple chalkboard set up for the perfect social media picture. Make sure that your clients know the hashtag your business uses - and ask them to tag you in photos! It’s free marketing!