5 Reasons You Should Record Furbabies’ Heartbeats Too

There is an overlooked connection that our field has the ability to capture. While providing parents the opportunity to strengthen their bond with their unborn baby via ultrasound, and recording that baby’s heartbeat is an experience that most families treasure, imagine spreading your business into an untouched market by providing this service to the parents of furbabies.
Pet owners understand that the bond they have with their furbaby is unlike any human connection they will know. Sometimes this connection starts with a childhood dog, and other times it is when a dog or cat becomes their first baby. Either way, the relationship between human and animal is strong and worth cherishing.
Recording a dog or cat's heartbeat is as simple as recording a baby in utero - maybe even easier. Using a doppler, you begin under the front left arm. You utilize the heartbeat recorder just the same as during an ultrasound, holding it close to the doppler speaker. You can also record a bark or meow into it before storing inside of our Heartbeat Animals.
This is not a service you have to offer daily, but instead can be a weekly or monthly addition to your current business. A day when families can schedule a quick appointment with you for their pet.
5 Reasons You Should Record Furbabies’ Heartbeats Too
Unconditional Love
No one loves you like your animal loves you! A keepsake to treasure forever will melt your clients’ hearts.
The Rainbow Bridge
Before a pet crosses the rainbow bridge, you can give your clients the greatest keepsake - a recording of their heartbeat to hear again and again.
Sweet Kisses
You would get sweet kisses from loved furbabies! (There’s not much better in the world than that!)
Increase Revenue
Without needing much investment at all, you will be bringing instant income to your bottom line.
Affordable Starter Kit
We make it easy to get started! Our kit includes 11 breeds of Heartbeat Animals, a furbaby doppler, a display sign, and 20 rack cards.