3 Ways to Make Peace With Your Last Pregnancy

Sometimes you know that this is your last baby.
That means that this is your last pregnancy.
Some women become excited or even giddy over the thought of never being pregnant again, but others… others will never reach this point.
Some women love being pregnant. Deciding that a pregnancy is their last can break their heart. It may take more than a single hug or conversation to emotionally work through the realization that this chapter is closing.
3 Ways to Make Peace With Your Last Pregnancy
Make the decision together.
Being on the same page as your significant other is important. If your partner feels done, hear him out. Listen to his thoughts, wants, and fears. Then share your feelings. Maybe permanent answers won’t be made, but temporary ones will. Nothing permanent should be done until everyone is on the same page.
Look at the child(ren) you have… really look at them.
They are growing up and entering different stages of their lives. They are growing right before your eyes. Are you partaking in their lives as you want to or are you limited because of the stage of motherhood you are still in? This is not a guilt-trap motherhood question, but an actual question you must ask yourself. Are you longing for family vacations that include larger adventurers than are not possible with tiny babies on board? Are you longing to be more involved, or are you able to babywear, breastfeed, and stroll easily? Looking at your current lifestyle and your immediate future can help you decide if you are done having babies.
Listen to your inner self.
What do your mind, body, and heart say about your family? If your heart is full, and you feel complete, the peace will come. If you are torn, make a list of all of the happy reasons to close this chapter and open the next.
This list includes only a few things that might resignate with you:
- Family white water rafting trips, zip-lining, and adventures that can include everyone without you wearing a baby.
- Girls’ weekends away without guilt.
- Not being on the ‘Baby Needs To Nurse’ clock.
- Taking up hobbies with each child.
- Quality, weekend (or longer) alone time with the hottest man alive.
- YOUR BODY BEING YOURS. Detoxes, workouts, clothing options, all will be made without thinking about pregnancy or breastfeeding.
- Freedom. Not worrying about a surprise pregnancy.
- Being present with each child in the stage they are in.