3 Secrets to (Possibly) Preventing Stretch Marks Through Pregnancy

Tiger Stripes.
Badges of Honor.
The Marks of Motherhood.
Stretch Marks.
You can call them whatever you want, but every woman goes into pregnancy hoping she doesn’t get them. While genetics plays a significant part in whether you are predisposed for stretch marks, there may be a few secrets you can try to lessen your chances.
3 Secrets to (Possibly) Preventing Stretch Marks
Hydration and Vitamins
Hydrate the skin from both the inside (drink water) and the outside (serums and lotions). Shea and Cocoa butters have the best success rates in stretch mark research studies about lotion options. Serums can be homemade with high quality oils and are shown to be just as effective. No matter which topical method you choose, make sure you are also counting the glasses of water you are drinking. Your blood volume increases during pregnancy, and you are constantly supplying your uterus with fluids to keep Baby’s ‘bag of waters’ safe and full. As if that isn’t enough reason to drink up, water is also the key to keeping the skin’s elasticity strong. Aim for 8-12 full glasses of water a day!
Vitamin C and zinc are also important players when it comes to stretch marks. They are used in the production of collagen and contain antioxidants. Getting your vitamins naturally through bright colored, healthy produce and real foods is the best way to source the nutrients.
Increase Collagen Formation Naturally
Collagen improves the elasticity of the skin. While you will see numerous collagen products, the best way to get the good stuff into you is through a healthy diet. Collagen is also known as gelatin. It is found in grass-fed and free range meats and eggs, can be produced by consuming those bright produce items loaded with Vitamins A, C, and E, and is easily cooked with when you make your own bone broth. Bone broth can be used to make rice, soups, sauces, gravies, and numerous other dishes.
Coconut oil, topically and orally consumed, is great for the skin. Just as olive oil is! Vitamin E oil, essential oils, and castor oil should only be used topically, but all have the power to possibly prevent stretch marks.
Fermented Cod Liver Oil should also be included in your diet, as it is not only linked to brighter, happier skin, but it has been found to help aid in a baby’s brain development during pregnancy!
While these 3 secrets may or may not prevent your possible stretch marks, don’t stress about your changing body and know that whether stretch marks appear or not, you are embarking on the greatest journey of your life! Enter it wish confidence and happiness.