Valentine Crafts for Toddlers' Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills involve the small muscles of the body that enable such functions as writing, grasping small objects, and fastening clothing. They develop as the neurological system matures. The level of development of fine motor control in children is used to determine the developmental age of the child.
Fine motor control requires awareness and planning to complete a task. It also requires muscle strength, coordination, and normal sensation. Tasks such as stacking blocks, cutting out shapes with scissors, drawing lines or circles, tearing paper, buttoning a button, and holding and writing with a pencil can occur only if the nervous system matures properly. Your child’s fine motor development is a very important part of their physical skill set. He or she needs to learn to use their hands in order to manipulate toys and to acquire self-help skills such as feeding and dressing.
Play is a child's "work" and is a very important part of their physical development. Babies and young children need to have ample opportunity to play.
Just in time for Valentine's Day, enjoy these craft ideas that will promote fine motor development with your toddler!
Bead Threading
Sewing Craft
Heart Puppets
The Letter V
Heart Fish
Tissue Paper Heart
Tissue Paper
Tree Painting
Painting a Sun Catcher
Heart Tree
Heart Dream Catchers
Play Dough:
Play Dough