The First Father’s Day

As a man becomes a father for the first time, something incredible changes within him. He views his partner in a new light and his heart expands as he discovers unconditional love. When he holds his child, he turns into the most gentle man.
If this is the first Father’s Day your partner will be celebrating, consider taking the day slow and soaking it all in. You can make it special in the most simple of ways.
The First Father’s Day
Let him sleep.
He can catch those zzz’s without interruption. Keep the room dark and sneak out without waking him up. He’ll wake up well-rested and ready to spend the day together.
Feed him well.
Start with a great breakfast spread and keep it flowing all day long. You can pack a picnic-style lunch if you head out to the beach, lake, or park. If you stay at home, opt for a great cheese board with fruits, nuts, meat cuts, dips, and crackers. Dinner (and dessert) can steal the show by preparing his absolute favorites.
Exercise together.
This can be a long walk through the neighborhood or a Peloton garage workout. Completing a calorie burn together gets the blood flowing, endorphins pumping, and makes you both happy!
Explore something.
If you want to venture out, head somewhere new (like a local brewery or vineyard) after a hike. If you want to stay in, explore your own space and spend some time updating it. You can add some new plants (inside or out), pick out a piece of furniture, or just work with what you have and make it look great!
Take pictures.
You will never have enough pictures of your baby. You’ll also never have enough pictures of your baby with your partner. He will rarely ever ask you to take a picture, so grab the camera and start clicking away.
Choose one gift.
You don’t need to go overboard this year (or ever), but one nice gift will be the icing on the cake this Father’s Day. Think simple like filling his beer fridge with craft beers or order some golf clubs or register for him to join the local gun range. Choose something that he will actually use and appreciate.