Refreshing Your Home for Fall

Everyone knows about spring cleaning, but the ‘Fall Refresh’ should be just as popular. After a humid, hot summer at home with dirty feet, more frequent guests, vacations, and an unruly schedule, your home may be feeling a bit neglected. Just as the kids head back to school, or your life settles back into a more normal pace, you may want to create some time to get your house back on track. If you happen to be pregnant, just add these to your nesting list!
As the season shifts and you start dreaming of pumpkin spices and fall decorations, hit the pause button. You need to declutter, clean out, and take inventory first.

Refreshing Your Home for Fall
Check Your Smoke Detectors
When was the last time you made sure your smoke detectors were working properly? Now is a great time to add more if needed, too.
Review an Evacuation Plan
Even toddlers need to know what to do if they smell smoke or see fire. You need to practice your exit strategy for every level and room of the house and have a meeting place outside. Fire ladders for second floor windows should be accessible.
Refresh Your First Aid Kit
Toss the old medicines and update your band-aids. Get bug spray, tick tweezers, medical tape and gauze. Refill anything you are low on and always be prepared for blood.
Order Supplements for Flu/Covid Season
Zinc, Vitamin D, and many other common supplements will be hard to find again as we approach ‘sick season’ and the change of seasons. Stock up now for your family to boost your immune systems and stay healthy.
No Shoes in the House
One of the most common ways people get sick is by tracking dirt and germs in on their shoes. Implement a ‘no shoes inside’ rule and keep your house clean.
Carpet Cleaning (furniture and rugs, too)
It’s time to get those rugs scrubbed! Call in the professionals or DIY, but don’t forget the rugs and fabric furniture. You should toss your throw blankets into the washer, too.
A Good Deep Clean
If you don’t have the time, call in a company, but getting your house really clean is important to stay healthy.
Clean Your Oven
Are you embarrassed to say when it was you that your oven looked good? Pull out the shop-vac and suck the burnt crumbs out before soaking and scrubbing.
Wipe Out Your Freezer (and restock)
The same goes for your freezer! Pull everything out and toss anything with freezer burn. Take inventory of what you have and restock anything that will make weeknight cooking easier.
Wash Duvets and Pillows
Sheets get cleaned regularly, but what about that duvet and your pillows? It’s time.
Clean the Toys
Your toddler's toys need a good wash. Toss plastic pieces into a tub of warm water with vinegar and tea tree oil to soak; wash plushies in the washing machine, and wipe down anything else your little one plays with. The bacteria found on kid's toys is enough to make you want to clean them more regularly!
Keep Fresh Flowers and Air Purifying Plants
Flowers are known to brighten a space and spread happiness. Happiness obviously promotes a healthy house!
Invest in a HEPA Filter
Your air quality matters. Invest in a few filters throughout the house to circulate clean air and remove mold and toxins. (Have your air ducts cleaned, too.)
Chimney Cleaning
If you have a fireplace, it needs to be inspected every year to make sure it is safe.
Ditch Chemical Fresheners
Plug-ins and sprays generally contain toxic chemicals linked to cancers. Remove them from your home and stick with natural versions.
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