Newborn Splurges that are Worth the Money

There is no better time than now to be spoiled, spoil yourself, and spoil your tiny little blessing about to enter the world! The price tags on products today can send the head spinning. The baby lists are long and legitimately ridiculous most of the time. Go ahead and ask any non-first-time mom what she ‘needed’ for her first baby versus what she ‘wanted’ for any baby after! You’ll learn (really fast) how useless most baby items are! But the items that you’ll fall in love with? Those are worth dropping extra money to ensure the highest quality and longest lifespan!
Remember that every mother is different – you may not need an elaborate stroller because you wear your baby everywhere, or your little one may sleep in your arms and a spectacular crib mattress isn’t needed! I’m including items to meet the entire spectrum of moms out there.
Worthwhile Newborn Splurges
Car Seat: Keeping in mind that you want your baby to rear face for as long as possible, it is worth the investment to purchase a convertible seat that will keep baby backwards for at least 45-50lbs. While a newborn as small as 5lbs is safe to ride in these seats, it is preferred to use a detachable bucket car seat from birth until the seat is maxed out. All car seats on the market have passed safety regulations, but high-end brands have cornered the market as far as sleek design, slim fit, weight, and ease of use!
Organic Crib Mattress and Sheets: No matter which you choose, don’t forget to let the mattress breathe for a week or so before putting sheets over it. Purchasing an organic mattress means that you are foregoing the exposure to toxins and chemicals trapped within the fibers. If you are splurging on the highest quality mattress, don’t skimp on those sheets! You can have sheets personalized to match décor or just find a breathable, beautiful fit that’s certified organic cotton.
Eco-Friendly Crib: There are many ‘eco-friendly’ types of cribs on the market today, and there are many different qualifications in which companies use to label their products ‘eco-friendly.’ Depending on what you are looking for, there will be several options! I love a beautiful crib that will transition throughout the years.
Dock-a-Tot: The co-sleeping family’s best friend – or any new parent’s dream! This is easy to carry from room to room and provides a safe and comfortable place for baby to rest. The reviews speak for themselves.
Glider: The amount of hours spent rocking a baby become a blur after month two. Invest in the most comfortable and beautiful rocker that you can find.
Video Monitor: No matter where the little one sleeps, you will be separated during naps while you constantly pick up the house and accomplish adult tasks. It’s nice to know you can look in on the baby without opening the door.
Stroller: Depending on child number and how many babies you plan to have, it is worthwhile to invest in an amazing stroller! The hardest part is deciding between a single and a double. Finding an all-purpose stroller that can be exercised with, fit through a doorway, and easily maneuver the aisles of Target is key. Add in easy to fold, light-weight, and fitting in the trunk of your vehicle is the challenge! Strollers should be test driven before purchased.
Carrier: A Tula, an Ergobaby, a handwoven wrap? Once you realize that a Bjorn is not the only option, your mind will be blown! Look for one that distributes your baby's weight and takes all pressure off of her hips (and your back!).
Cloth Diapers: This splurge is only a splurge up front, as you can buy all the diapers you will need from birth until potty training in just a few clicks on your tablet. Not only are they easy-to-use, but they are adorable!
Organic Cotton Clothing: Instead of having drawers stuffed full of clothes, invest in 2 weeks worth of high-quality items for each age bracket. It’s more fun to see your baby wear something more than once anyway!
Bath Pillow: Sink baths or bath tub baths, you want something soft and pretty to bath baby on – hello social media pictures!
Baby Swing/Bouncer You will need somewhere to set baby down throughout the day. Instead of having several contraptions sitting around, choose one that meets all of your needs and takes up less space.
Diaper Bag: This is a splurge because it will be used daily for quite some time. There is not a purse to be found after baby arrives, so choose a diaper bag that fits your style and will hold everything you need.
Postpartum Doula: Another name for this wonderful woman is “Sanity Saver!” If your partner is not able to be home, or if you'd like to focus on bonding time together, a postpartum doula will do everything from teaching you to babywear and taking out the diaper trash to bringing you breakfast in bed!
Amazon Prime: Duh.
Anything in Plain View: If your changing table will be in the living space it should fit with the décor of the home. Use beautiful baskets around the house to store diapers, wipes, burb cloths, butt cream, and binkies so they don’t stick out like a sore thumb.
Consider the look of everything ‘baby’ that you purchase. If you are trying to avoid your home screaming “RAINBOW COLORED PLASTIC EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE” then stick with neutral colors, wood tones, and more natural products.