Let Your Pictures do the Talking: Side-by-Side Contests

Pictures to Bring in Business
Families love getting an early ultrasound to hear their baby’s heartbeat. They love coming in to learn their baby’s gender mid-way through, but so many families don’t come back afterward.
You can use pictures in a new way to drum up business; you just need a little help from previous clients.

Side-By-Side Photo Contest and Giveaway
As an ultrasound tech, you have figured out all the tricks to getting the best images for your clients. They leave loving the pictures, but how often do you get to see how much your pictures resemble the newborn version of the babies? This brilliant idea will not only have you swooning over baby pictures, but you’ll be able to create side-by-side images to blast on social media.
If you have never hosted a giveaway, it’s not complicated. You can utilize items in your own boutique or partner with local businesses providing them with free marketing in exchange for gift certificates, services, or products. You can ask for submissions in an email and through your social media pages. Here are the main goals:
A newborn picture strongly resembling their ultrasound photo
Likes, Follows, Shares of your pages (and any business sponsoring the giveaway)
Permission to share the photos
You can expand your followers by turning the giveaway into a public-voting social media contest. Every valid submission can be officially shared by you in one pinned post. The contestants would share on their own pages and their friends/family would follow your page and like the picture. The photo with the most likes wins the giveaway!
You can host this contest every few months depending on how many clients you see and when due dates occur. (Make sure you add that clients from years ago can still enter!) The more side-by-side newborn/ultrasound images you can collect, the better! You can use the pictures to pull on heartstrings and get moms in the door (or back in the door) for those 3D/4D scans.