5 Ways to Sell Heartbeat Animals

We love our Heartbeat Animals, and we know that you love them, too! They easily sell themselves; however, new wholesalers often ask us how to ensure retail sales. We start to giggle because selling them is the fun part! You get to watch sibling bonds begin to form and emotions fly as parents hear their baby’s heartbeat while you capture that moment for them to relive!
Enjoy each and every sale because you are solidifying a moment of their lives (that you will be remembered for) and helping to prepare them for this journey they are about to embark upon.
5 Ways to Sell Heartbeat Animals

Our Catalog
Our digital catalog is the easiest way to show families products before they even enter your business! Not only is it beautiful, but it’s functional and means you don’t have to do much selling. Every time an appointment is made, you email the catalog with a sweet little blurb such as:
"The pitter patter of a heartbeat comes before the pitter patter of tiny feet. It will be the soundtrack to your parenthood journey – hear it forever with My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear. Pick your Heartbeat Animal out prior to your appointment and know that you’ll be able to hear that heartbeat forever. We also love watching big siblings and grandparents take home a keepsake that connects them to your newest addition. "
Talk About the Animals
Talking is a large part of your business. Creating an environment that is welcoming and comfortable is wonderful, but without verbal connection, your clients will not remember their experience. Chatting about pregnancy and parenthood is what you do – just include how amazing it is to have to keepsake they will love forever… and one that will complement their nursery and turn into a lovey down the road. They can even store their recording and re-record other milestones!
Make sure to include how sibling bonds can form now, and how every big sibling can remember this moment by bringing home a Heartbeat Animal. They also make for a fun way to reveal pregnancy news to extended family like grandparents (or godparents)! They can watch the confusion turn into excitement as family/friends realize a new baby is coming!
Gender Reveals
Most families choose to learn their baby’s gender during an ultrasound, but you can make the moment more special for them (and increase your bottom line) by encouraging them to choose a Heartbeat Animal for you to accessorize with either a tutu or bow tie to surprise them with!
Keep Them at Arm’s-Reach
During an ultrasound, you want to have My Baby’s Heartbeat Bears within arm’s reach. Not only will they be beautifully displayed in the room, but you can make a quick sale once families have heard their baby’s heartbeat. Offer to record it into the heart-shaped recorder and tell them they can choose from what is in the room or in the boutique area afterward.
Once you add My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear to your Ultrasound Studio, you will instantly notice the increase in revenue – but more so, you will feel the connections and bonds you are solidifying. Enjoy it all.

A Great Display
Actions speak louder than words – always. Your boutique area is what sells your business, hands down. Take pride in everything that you offer and offer nothing that is not bringing in consistent revenue. Display your Heartbeat Animals where they are easily touched and seen by everyone – including big siblings! (They may be the ticket to selling more than one per appointment). Display them near your gender tally board, your waiting chairs, your front desk, and on all shelving. Offer a variety of animals, as you want to appeal to everyone. And make sure that your office manager knows how to sell! They can easily say, “Before you go in, make sure you pick a Heartbeat Animal to record the heartbeat into!”