32 Old Wives Tales for Baby Gender Prediction

While all that matters is a happy and healthy family, most parents count down the days until they know the gender of their little in-utero baby. Even if you are crazy like my husband and I, and wait until birth to know, there is so much fun to be had in guessing throughout the pregnancy.
Remember this is all in fun and you have a 50/50 shot at either gender, so don’t go buying pink or blue until you know for sure. I should also mention, that for every wives’ tale I read about, there was another one stating the opposite! So I averaged them out and created this list based on the most accurate resources.
The Chinese Gender Prediction Chart {source}
Apparently, from every reliable source I could find, this specific gender chart is the most accurate. To find the gender prediction, find the mother's age at conception (across the top of the table) and then the month in which conception occurred. Follow the column and row to the intersecting point. The color of the box tells you what the prediction is.
Ramzi Method
This method is said to be 95% accurate. If you have an early ultrasound, you can see what side of the uterus the baby has attached to. This is where the placenta is forming. A transvaginal ultrasound results: if your baby is on the left side it means a girl, if your baby is on the right side it means a boy. However, if the ultrasound is done abdominally, the results are flipped: left is a boy and right is a girl.
Feel of Your Skin
Carrying a boy is said to give you drier skin, and a little girl brings out all the oil.
The “Glow”
Everyone complimenting you on your gorgeous pregnancy glow? BOY. No comments? Girl.
A girl is said to “steal your beauty” and the extra oil that may give you a glow could also cause breakouts.

The Linea Nigra
Some moms develop a dark line down the center of their belly. If the line continues above your belly button, you’re having a boy. If it finishes below your belly button, you are having a girl.
If your hair becomes thick and glossy, it’s a boy. If your hair is so dull and limp that you look like you’ve been without running water for quite some time, it’s a girl.
Baking Soda Test
This test is said to be about 80% accurate. Take two tablespoons of baking soda and mix it with your urine. If the solution fizzes you are having a boy, if it remains flat you are carrying a girl.
Body Hair
If your body hair is growing thick and fast, you’re said to be having a boy. If your hair growth has remained normal, there might be a girl nestled in your womb.
Weight Gain Placement
Carrying all of your extra weight out front, it’s a boy. If those pregnancy pounds are piling on all over, you might be expecting a daughter.
Baby’s Heartrate
Girls are known to have faster heartbeats than boys. Above 140 bpm means you’re having a girl, and lower than 140 bpm means it’s a boy.

If you are suffering from a bad case of cold feet, you might be expecting a boy. If your feet are as warm as ever, you might be carrying a girl.
Foot Growth
You are not crazy if you feel as though your feet are growing. A baby boy is said to add a half size and a girl keeps your feet in your current shoes.
Salty vs. Sweet. Salty food cravings are linked to boys and sweets mean girl.
Wedding Ring Test
Get your wedding ring and attach it to a piece of string. Lie down and have someone dangle the ring over your belly. If it starts moving in circles, you are having a boy, or if it moves from side to side, then you are having a girl.
Carrying High vs Low
Boy baby bellies are said to be low, while girls are up higher. This one cannot be done until further along, as your uterus sits lower throughout the first 4 months of pregnancy.
This one can be read in different ways. Some say that any nausea at all means girl, and others say that actual vomiting means girl, while only nausea means boy.

Daddy’s Weight Gain
This one is pretty absurd, but I told you that I collected ALL the wives’ tales. If Daddy is gaining weight, you are having a girl. If he remains svelte, it’s a boy.
Extreme headaches while pregnant are said to mean you are carrying a baby boy. No real headaches? Girl.
Naturally falling asleep on the left side means you are carrying a boy, the right side is a girl.
Dark Areola
The area around your nipple can expand and darken due to the hormones in pregnancy. If your areolas are darkening, you are carrying a boy. If they stay the same color, it’s a girl.
Breast Size
If your right breast is larger than your left, it’s a boy. The other way around is a girl.
Clumsy vs Graceful
If you are clumsier than usual, you may be carrying a boy. No real changes? Hello, girl.

Your Last Child’s Hair
Follow me here, everyone’s hair “swirls” a certain way from the back of their head. Our pediatrician swears by this wives’ tale and guesses all future clients based on it; and is typically right! Hair swirls clockwise: Girl. Hair swirls counterclockwise: Boy.
Urine Color
If your urine is a brighter yellow than normal, it’s a boy. Remember, your prenatal vitamin is probably causing this!
Nail Growth
Are your nails growing faster, thicker and stronger? You may be carrying a boy. If they are breaking easier than normal, think pink.
Absurd Pillow Direction
Apparently, the direction your pillow faces can predict the sex of your child. (I am not kidding.) A north-facing pillow is a boy, while a south-facing pillow is a girl.
Typically, you hear that heartburn means a head full of hair, but some say that it also means a girl.

The Garlic Test
Put this one to the test at your own, and your partner’s risk. If you’re able to eat a lot of garlic but not smell like it, apparently that means you’re carrying a girl.
Moody vs Mellow
If you’re feeling more moody than mellow, you might be having a girl. If you’re more chilled out, you should get ready for a boy.
The Eye Test
Look in the mirror for about a minute. If your pupils are dilating, it means you’re having a boy.
Red Cabbage Test
Chop a head of red cabbage into a bowl and pour boiling water over it all. Let it sit for ten minutes and strain the cabbage out, keeping the water in a clear bowl or glass. It will appear blue-ish. Set this aside. Urinate into a separate cup and then combine equal parts cabbage water and urine. If it turns red or pink, it is a boy. If it becomes a violet shade, it is a girl.
The Mayan System
Legend says that the Mayans determines a baby’s sex by looking at the mother’s age at conception and the year of conception. If both are even or both are odd, it’s a girl. If one is even and the other is odd, it’s a boy.