20 Newborn Necessities for Winter

The truth is that winter means something different depending on where you live. A 70-degree day in Florida will not require the same baby items as an entire season of ice, snow, and freezing temperatures in other parts of the country. If you are residing in the colder areas of the country, you may need some help figuring out everything you need for your baby this winter!
Winter Newborn Necessities
Socks. LOTS of socks. They do not need to match, but there needs to be an ample amount because those suckers get lost every 10 minutes.
Booties. Again, matching is not necessary, but warm feet are a must! Don’t go crazy buying baby shoes; they are a waste of money. But soft, warm booties are worth every penny.
Baby Leg Warmers. My boys sported these as well as my daughters. You can get them in pretty much any pattern you can think of these days. Argyle? Chevron? Stripes? Solids? Snowflakes? Yes to it all. My favorite is to add these over top of a tighter pair of pants on a girl and under the pants for a boy. They add warmth and are easy to work around for diaper changes.
Footed Pajamas. Toes are easier to keep warm at night when the socks are attached to the pajamas.
Long Sleeve, Kimono-Style Shirts. These are perfect for umbilical cord stumps, and they require no over-the-head entry! They cross over the chest and snap on the side. You can use them to layer over top of a fitted onesie too.
Short-Sleeve Onesies for Layering. They don’t have to be white, but plain, solid colors are best so they don’t show through the nest layer.
Hats. These seem to go missing just like socks do. Always keep a spare in your diaper bag. Try not to overthink the cuteness aspect here, as you want something warm and easy to keep on the baby’s head.
Mittens. I am normally against newborns wearing mittens because of sensory development, but cold weather calls for them. Only use mittens when you are taking your newborn outdoors.
Warm One-Piece Outer Layers. Stay away from snowsuits and thick, puffy items – they are a pain in the rear and not safe for car seats. You can find really simple (and adorable!) fleece or thermal pieces at all major baby stores. A newborn won’t be playing in the snow or kept outside in a sleeting snowstorm. Just keep her warm, skip the rest of the snow gear.
Baby Carrier. A warm ring sling, moby wrap, buckle carrier, or another safe baby sling will come in handy. Keeping baby worn throughout the day will help regulate body temperature and keep everyone happy.
A Coat for Mom (that is baby carrier friendly). This was hard for me! I relied on my normal winter coat, but once my winter baby arrived, I couldn't zip it up because I was wearing him in the sling. It wasn’t terrible, but a coat that allows a mom to wear her baby and be warm would be much better!
Coconut Oil. The oil that has 2,000 purposes. Seriously. The winter dries out everyone’s skin. You can use coconut oil instead of a baby lotion that contains fragrance and other toxic items to slather baby after a bath.
Healing Salve. If the skin gets chapped, you can pull out the coconut oil, or grab some organic healing salve. Again, knowing what is going on your baby is important.
Nose Frida. The dry winter air causes boogers. Suck those things out.
Breastmilk from the tap – or in the fridge. Those above mentioned boogers? Yes, those. They may turn into a runny nose. Squirt (or drop) some breastmilk up your baby’s nose to help clear them out.
Probiotics. Talk to your pediatrician, but probiotics are important to support the healthy bacteria of the gut. It is sick-season, so protect that baby!
Vitamin D3. Winter babies are not out in the sun like spring and summer babies. They need vitamin D3 to stay healthy. Mom can supplement herself if breastfeeding, but baby can also be supplemented.
Humidifier. That winter air dries the entire house out causing coughs, sore throats, and winter blues. Let the humidifier run wherever you and baby sleep.
Blankets. You probably have a million blankets, but make sure you have a few that you really love.
Skin to Skin Time. This regulates body temperature and helps promote a happy 4th trimester and transition to the real world! (I know you don’t buy this one, but I couldn’t leave it off the list!)