About Us

There’s nothing more awe-inspiring for expecting parents than the sound of their baby’s heartbeat, heard for the first time during an ultrasound appointment. Now this milestone moment can be preserved forever thanks to the ultimate pregnancy keepsake: My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear. This innovative gift provides everything needed to capture that precious sound and create a permanent treasure.
I would like to tell you a little about the heart and soul behind My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear.
A lifelong passion for children led me on a journey to a career in pregnancy sonograms and a life full of three happy children at home.
After graduating in 2000 with a degree in Diagnostic Medical Sonography, I became a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer specializing in OB/GYN. With a determined spirit, and a heart for the trade, I paved my way into the medical pregnancy community.
Fast forward a few years, and about a thousand belly scans later, and I gave birth to twins – a beautiful boy and girl that both weighed just under 7 pounds! Not something you hear of too often in a multiple delivery! I was later blessed with a healthy singleton pregnancy, bringing us another baby boy. Now the mother to twin 12 year olds, and a rambunctious toddler, I am constantly kept on my toes.
In 2009, I discovered the amazing bears that record a baby’s heartbeat while in utero. I was working as a private contractor after 8 years working in a hospital. I decided to go the contractor route so I could spend more time with my children and focus on my dream – providing expecting mothers with the ultrasound experience I thought they deserved. Part of that included creating a memory that would last a lifetime, one that each mother could hold near and dear to her heart – her baby’s heartbeat.
I started offering the bears to my patients and they loved them! It didn’t take long before grandparents–to-be, other family members, and friends started purchasing the bears as gifts for expecting mothers. Big siblings wanted in on the bears too! I began recording their sweet little voices sending messages to their soon-to-be baby sibling.
I knew these were very special bears.
The My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear kit comes with an adorable stuffed animal and a red “heart” recorder. A second recorder can be ordered to include a voice message from someone special. Simply take the recorder to your ultrasound appointment and easily switch it on to capture 20 seconds of baby’s heartbeat. (If you have already recorded the heartbeat on your phone or on a CD, it can be transferred to the heart recorder.) Then, unfasten the Velcro closure on the back of the stuffed animal, insert the recorder into the interior drawstring pouch, knot the pouch, and finally re-fasten the Velcro. To listen to the heartbeat, simply press on the animal. To stop, press again, or simply wait 20 seconds.
Monkeys and hippos and bears…oh my! There are more than 40 cute creatures to choose from, all of them crafted from the softest, highest quality fleece-like material and polyfill. My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear makes an excellent shower gift, not to mention a great addition to your nursery décor. Safe for children 3 and older, My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear will also become a source of fascination for growing kids who love to know what they were like as babies!
This journey is still in its infancy. As we are growing and expanding each day. I will always celebrate the joy that this gift brings to expecting families. I love what I do, and that I am surrounded by family each day of work. I am blessed to have found my passion, pursued it, and am able to share it with the world.
I hope that My Baby's Heartbeat Bear can bring you as much happiness as it’s brought me and my family.